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Read Pending Deposits

GET /external/transactions

Get public pending deposit records. Since most blockchain needs some confirmations to insure the tx can't be revert.

Endpoint URL

Authentication and options

AuthorizationPublic Access
LimitationNo limitation


Pagination start time, RFC3339Nano format, e.g. `2020-12-12T12:12:12.999999999Z`.
Pagination per page data limit, 500 by default, maximally 500
assetOptional, asset's asset_id, get the deposit records for a cerain asset
destinationOptional, get the records of pending deposits for a certain address.
transaction_hashOptional,get the records by transaction hash
sourceOptional, if it is blockchain, means fetch the records from blockchain.
userOptional, the uuid of user, get the records of the user

The group of parameter

  1. user=uuid, get the pending deposits of the user, require authorization token.
  2. source=blockchain&asset=uuid&transaction_hash=7842f9c26f24b8a86de1a28d8bf0e39cfebd8a5bbb3f2d3aa5be82d44df35ac5 get the pending deposits by the transaction_hash from blockchain.
  3. source=blockchain&asset=uuid&destination=1AK4LYE6PYwBmSYHQX3v2UsXXHTvCAsJeK get the pending deposits by the public key from blockchain.
  4. transaction_hash=7842f9c26f24b8a86de1a28d8bf0e39cfebd8a5bbb3f2d3aa5be82d44df35ac5 get pending deposits by transaction_hash.
  5. asset=uuid&offset=2020-12-12T12:12:12.999999999Z&limit=100 get pending deposits by asset.
  6. destination=1AK4LYE6PYwBmSYHQX3v2UsXXHTvCAsJeK&offset=2020-12-12T12:12:12.999999999Z&limit=100 get pending deposits by public.

Example request

curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"data": [{
"type": "transaction",
"transaction_id": "ab56be4c-5b20-41c6-a9c3-244f9a433f35",
"transaction_hash": "axt..ze",
"sender": "137FkAtj1KcVKKt4tPeP1Djz3Nvc5DEYri",
"amount": "10.0",
"destination": "1AK4LYE6PYwBmSYHQX3v2UsXXHTvCAsJeK",
"tag": "",
"asset_id": "43d61dcd-e413-450d-80b8-101d5e903357",
"chain_id": "43d61dcd-e413-450d-80b8-101d5e903357",
"confirmations": 1,
"threshold": 12,
"created_at": "2018-05-03T10:08:34.859542588Z"