Mixin Inscription API
In this post We'll explain inscription. For Inscription deploy or inscribe, you can refer to this doc https://github.com/MixinNetwork/mixin/blob/master/INSCRIPTION.md
In default, the memo of the transaction is less than 256 bytes, if the memo large than that, we need to use Mixin Object Storage, refer to https://github.com/MixinNetwork/mixin/blob/master/STORAGE.md
- How to distinguish between common transaction and inscription transaction, we introduced it in Safe API, if a transaction has
, it means it's an Inscription transaction. - Inscription transaction is also an UTXO transaction. And if you want transfer a Collectible, you must spent UTXO not split or combine, it means there can only 1 input and 1 output for a inscription transaction.
- If you release Collectible careless, you can occupy it again following the Inscription docs above by a new occupancy transaction.
Inscription include two sections
- Collection of inscription
- Collectible of inscription
How to get the detail of collection
Fetch the collection detail by the deploy transaction hash, or the kernel_asset_id of the asset.
Endpoint URL
GET https://api.mixin.one/safe/inscriptions/collections/:hash
"data": [
"collection_hash": "HASH-VALUE",
"supply": "SUPPLY-NUMBER",
"unit": "UNIT-NAME",
"symbol": "SYMBOL",
"description": "DESCRIPTION-TEXT",
"icon_url": "URL",
"treasury": {
"ratio": "RATIO-VALUE",
"recipient": "RECIPIENT-ADDRESS"
"asset_key": "ASSET-KEY",
"created_at": "RFC3339NANO-TIMESTAMP",
"updated_at": "RFC3339NANO-TIMESTAMP"
How to get the detail of the collectible
Fetch the collectible by the inscription hash
Endpoint URL
GET https://api.mixin.one/safe/inscriptions/items/:hash
"data": [
"type": "ITEM-TYPE",
"inscription_hash": "HASH-VALUE",
"collection_hash": "COLLECTION-HASH-VALUE",
"sequence": SEQUENCE-NUMBER,
"content_type": "CONTENT-TYPE",
"content_url": "CONTENT-URL",
"recipient": "RECIPIENT-ADDRESS",
"occupied_by": "OCCUPIED-BY-ADDRESS",
"created_at": "RFC3339NANO-TIMESTAMP",
"updated_at": "RFC3339NANO-TIMESTAMP"