
· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 27th public chain Nervos, the token ticker is CKB, and the official website: https://www.nervos.org/.

The Nervos CKB is the fundamental Layer 1 Proof of Work blockchain, which creates the foundation for all layer 2 protocols, integrations, and scaling solutions for the Nervos Network. A core design principle at Nervos is that layer 2 solutions such as side-chains, plasma chains, and state channels are the best way to scale a blockchain system. Nervos CKB provides security and stability, and layer 2 provides performance and extension, such as support for smart contracts, adoption of PoS consensus algorithms, and so on.

asset_id: "d243386e-6d84-42e6-be03-175be17bf275",
chain_id: "d243386e-6d84-42e6-be03-175be17bf275",
symbol: "CKB",
name: "Nervos CKByte",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/0jykqkeqXVw16MXjMxcpA-7kd0Lo55jjqoKxXgq-WdI2ln4kaDnFUB6IqfktpX_x1wXxtow5MHkCNuH8f7PFBg=s128";;,
asset_key: "d243386e-6d84-42e6-be03-175be17bf275",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 64

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 26th public chain VCash, the token ticker is VCASH, the official website is https://v.cash.

VCash combines the characteristics of Bitcoin with Mimblewimble technology. VCash adopts Merged Mining method to mine coins alongside Bitcoin, and it possesses the same security level as Bitcoin.

asset_id: "c3b9153a-7fab-4138-a3a4-99849cadc073",
chain_id: "c3b9153a-7fab-4138-a3a4-99849cadc073",
symbol: "VCASH",
name: "VCash",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/OzfqNm0HPcHmqQOlkGGU5GoaAI3EznfbALmDBOZJdl2lDhlkNMVFDIC_CUsaeHEfyIeYT7A6vNLSR-MyqpnaBlY=s128";;,
asset_key: "c3b9153a-7fab-4138-a3a4-99849cadc073",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 30

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 25th public chain Grin, the token ticker is GRIN, the official website https://grin.mw/.

Grin is the first open-source project which implements the MimbleWimble blockchain protocol. Grin is a cryptocurrency focused on privacy, the chain is meant to be lean and scalable. The Grin has launched without a pre-mine, ICO, and founders' rewards. Grin uses the PoW consensus algorithm, and it produces 60 Grin per minute, no max supply.

asset_id: "1351e6bd-66cf-40c1-8105-8a8fe518a222",
chain_id: "1351e6bd-66cf-40c1-8105-8a8fe518a222",
symbol: "GRIN",
name: "Grin",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/0rUV7Qlq3BkRbjf9DL1gt0f2cH92-oeDmnr2SL2MBe6h0WLDqX6krEKR-IXGC6O2y2CLwyYcikLbUVc_GbwUgz4=s128";;,
asset_key: "1351e6bd-66cf-40c1-8105-8a8fe518a222",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 100,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 24th public chain Ravencoin, the ticker is RVN, the official website is https://ravencoin.org/.

The main feature of RVN is to modify and add the X16R algorithm to prevent the monopoly of ASIC based on the Bitcoin source code, combined with the coin issuing function of Ethereum.

asset_id: "6877d485-6b64-4225-8d7e-7333393cb243",
chain_id: "6877d485-6b64-4225-8d7e-7333393cb243",
symbol: "RVN",
name: "Ravencoin",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/qC2t9WkMv8f3O4LolVvaXKP9cuHXklYW-3bSu4Cl3WSRHkAkIGdQlBH4qqluZxqy7lnyuP9ffIVGXMNKTFF2AFQY=s128";;,
asset_key: "6877d485-6b64-4225-8d7e-7333393cb243",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 64,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 23rd public chain BitShares, the ticker is BTS, the official website is https://bitshares.org/.

BitShares, the mission is to provide decentralized software solutions to any kind of centralized problems in every industry.

asset_id: "05891083-63d2-4f3d-bfbe-d14d7fb9b25a",
chain_id: "05891083-63d2-4f3d-bfbe-d14d7fb9b25a",
symbol: "BTS",
name: "BitShares",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/vPCw4G1BhBWLzFSVt8jMJxq7LhQgVRbn_IbgJif9mixgLyJfBTlrc4TbELTThAwQCdVqikJQNDDQ84nQZLVf1yGm=s128";;,
asset_key: "05891083-63d2-4f3d-bfbe-d14d7fb9b25a",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 64,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 22nd public chain Monero, the ticker is XMR, the official website is https://www.getmonero.org/.

Monero is the leading cryptocurrency focused on private and censorship-resistant transactions. Unlike Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, transactions in the Monero blockchain do not reveal where funds came from or went to, providing anonymity and making the currency completely fungible. Additionally, the amounts of all transactions are hidden by RingCT, a feature of Monero. For auditing or other transparency purposes a user can share a view key to prove they control certain amounts of Moneroj.

asset_id: "05c5ac01-31f9-4a69-aa8a-ab796de1d041",
chain_id: "05c5ac01-31f9-4a69-aa8a-ab796de1d041",
symbol: "XMR",
name: "Monero",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/sdlLs6NIN7Qd_fM3z4k-s4GtamiHo4pafLve7P7hnHaLEPs2ld0FSscEzqjdytGY2q8e-AyfCNVfqXbXYYqb8cwUf-X3oI2jRTZN=s128";;,
asset_key: "05c5ac01-31f9-4a69-aa8a-ab796de1d041",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 32,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 21st public chain Binance Chain, the ticker is BNB, the official website is https://www.bnbchain.org/.

BNB Chain’s mission is to build the infrastructure powering the world’s parallel virtual ecosystem, and BNB Chain’s commitment to the community is that it will be:

  • Open
  • Multi-chain
  • For creators and inventors
  • Permissionless
  • Forever decentralized
  • And bigger than Binance
asset_id: "17f78d7c-ed96-40ff-980c-5dc62fecbc85",
chain_id: "17f78d7c-ed96-40ff-980c-5dc62fecbc85",
symbol: "BNB",
name: "Binance Chain",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/HCjLu6VM0XA7ouRcZJGDTOzE7zoXaA8LgESw075VW5teZ27AGUgyGrc4jnzuK5LtgT5HJQDSNSOImnU3IcUsBLoF=s128";;,
asset_key: "17f78d7c-ed96-40ff-980c-5dc62fecbc85",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 100,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 20th public chain Decred, the ticker is DCR, the official website is https://decred.org/.

Decred is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency with a strong focus on community input, open governance, and sustainable funding for development. It utilizes a hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mining system to ensure that a small group cannot dominate the flow of transactions or make changes to Decred without the input of the community. A unit of the currency is called a decred (DCR).

asset_id: "8f5caf2a-283d-4c85-832a-91e83bbf290b",
chain_id: "8f5caf2a-283d-4c85-832a-91e83bbf290b",
symbol: "DCR",
name: "Decred",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/ATSnFPH9vp6WPJ-KB9h_2JT93519YUPBbbbgAbPJBStlF3tFkP70iiZqDGi8ha-LssoqHMdRItF2_Un4FbglYMI=s128";;,
asset_key: "8f5caf2a-283d-4c85-832a-91e83bbf290b",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 16,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 19th public chain Bitcoin SV, the ticker is BSV, the official website is https://bitcoinsv.com/.

Bitcoin SV is the fastest public ledger, with the capability to support over 50,000 transactions per second. But that’s not all. Powered by Bitcoin Scripting, each transaction can be a smart contract, a crypto-graphically secure token or an NFT. The possibilities, uses and benefits are truly limitless.

asset_id: "574388fd-b93f-4034-a682-01c2bc095d17",
chain_id: "574388fd-b93f-4034-a682-01c2bc095d17",
symbol: "BSV",
name: "Bitcoin SV",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/1iUl5doLjMSv-ElcVCI4YgD1uIayDbZcQP0WjFEajoY1-qQZmVEl5GgUCtsp8CP0aj96a5Rwi-weQ5YA64lyQzU=s128";;,
asset_key: "574388fd-b93f-4034-a682-01c2bc095d17",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 200,

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 18th public chain Cosmos, the ticker is ATOM, the official website is https://cosmos.network/.

The Cosmos Network is a decentralized network of independent, scalable, and interoperable blockchains, creating the foundation for a new token economy. Cosmos solves some of the hardest blockchain problems of scalability, usability and interoperability. The Cosmos SDK is a developer-friendly, modular framework, each powered by a Byzantine Fault-Tolerant consensus algorithm such as Tendermint BFT, allowing developers to fully customize their decentralized applications and focus on business logic.

asset_id: "7397e9f1-4e42-4dc8-8a3b-171daaadd436",
chain_id: "7397e9f1-4e42-4dc8-8a3b-171daaadd436",
symbol: "ATOM",
name: "Cosmos",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/t-HH_7zAE5Y7OG9WgC1muIeFWJee4WypzbdJ5FjakEIivRYnSz89CBR4twXH-K_wFFodURRhYulVY-PrOO35ZoQ=s128";;,
asset_key: "7397e9f1-4e42-4dc8-8a3b-171daaadd436",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 16,