
Support public chain Bytom

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 17th public chain Bytom, the ticker is BTM, the official website is https://bytom.io/.

Bytom is a blockchain protocol that supports the connection of financial applications and digital assets. It allows assets in different fields to interact with each other on Bytom. Bytom can be conidred as a direct bridge between the digital network (eg BTC, ...) and the real world (stocks, gold, ...) and supports the transfer of assets between these two fields.

asset_id: "443e1ef5-bc9b-47d3-be77-07f328876c50",
chain_id: "443e1ef5-bc9b-47d3-be77-07f328876c50",
symbol: "BTM",
name: "Bytom",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/1iUl5doLjMSv-ElcVCI4YgD1uIayDbZcQP0WjFEajoY1-qQZmVEl5GgUCtsp8CP0aj96a5Rwi-weQ5YA64lyQzU=s128";;,
asset_key: "443e1ef5-bc9b-47d3-be77-07f328876c50",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 1000000,