
Support public chain Ethereum Classic

· 阅读时间 1 分钟

Mixin Network now supports the 6th public chain Ethereum Classic, the ticker is ETC, the official website is https://ethereumclassic.org/.

Ethereum Classic is an open source, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. It supports a modified version of Nakamoto consensus via transaction-based state transitions executed on a public Ethereum Virtual Machine.

asset_id: "2204c1ee-0ea2-4add-bb9a-b3719cfff93a",
chain_id: "2204c1ee-0ea2-4add-bb9a-b3719cfff93a",
symbol: "ETC",
name: "Ethereum Classic",
icon_url: "https://mixin-images.zeromesh.net/fM9wgyNyB3Uiopx2FRFxhr-sYrvXZtJ-uCpk975wGdpoehoA59rIU-BQ4s_6YFMDEthQ74KCPysOIWSFK4vUG_Y=s128";;,
asset_key: "2204c1ee-0ea2-4add-bb9a-b3719cfff93a",
reserve: "0",
confirmations: 10000,